MIOZING AS A RELIABLE CLOTHING SUPPLIER with solid Researching and Designing and Manufacturing Capabilities.
Being one of the world’s leading suppliers in the children sleepwear field, with over 7 years experience , well-streamlined product designing , developing and manufacturing facilities & expertise, MIOZING is dedicated to sustainably researching and developing, designing , manufacturing an extensive range of high-quality ecological , playful and cost-effective sleepwear for babies, toddlers, kids and adults, primarily made in its signature sustainable and healthy bamboo materials.
- Efficiently managed ISO9001 certified , state-of-the-art in-house developing and manufacturing sites
- Long-term textile partner
- and creative and insightful in-house designing team and collaborative artists & globally renown illustration IP partners; discover more about our EXPERTISE in product research and design >>
- Win-to-win and sustainable philosophy, discover more >>
- Customized Clothing Style and Print Design CASE STUDY
Initial Product design & BRAND VISION (CONCEPTIONS OR IDEAS ) Based on clients’ specific requirements for styles,Prints, sizes, materials, colors &Packages
Customized Style Initial Style sketches or technical sheets ( provided by client) >> Prototyping ( garment pattern and prototypes )by MIOZING
Customized Print Initial Style drawings or digital print design or print reference ideas ( provided by client) >>Printable Pattern Design by MIOZING >>Prototyping ( printed garments) by MIOZING
- Customized logo/label based on our Existing Model CASE STUDY
Small mockups , or customized logo/label Printed On one of the applIcable Garment models
Customized logo print/embroidery ( provided by client) >> Choose one existing garment model from MIOZING ( by client) >>Printable Logo Design by MIOZING >>Prototyping ( printed logo on the clothes ) by MIOZING